Starting fresh. I had lofty ideas but ‘25 started off rocky to say the least. It also provided an opportunity for a practice run of just about everything as well as absolutely obliterating my layout, forcing me to start over. Sometimes the new shows us what was perfect about the old but looking through the lens of intention makes me happy for the restart.

One idea was to utilize this space for things other than // in addition to editing garbage. Personal garbage, graphics garbage, tech garbage, philosophical garbage… Perhaps a healthy way to kick that off is my learnings post rehearsal.

Site header

The site header GIF always bugged the shit out of me so I rethought it a tad. I attempted to build a better Smiley emoji but honestly came back to this one.

The new GIF with updated motion, better texturing and reflection

The old GIF for some reason lacking reflection

YouTube junk

My old one didn’t fit too well across platforms

Never been a fan of the color blue…trying something new

Having to zero out these fuckers was not fun but worth it


Rats are cool!

The other thing…

A cow made for another thing…

I switched my personal site around too. I grew tired of black and pretentious so I switched to purple and purposely obnoxious. Migrating email (and hopefully responsibility) to others as well (mostly because I was horrible at responding).

Eyedrop the hex codes ya turkey

Boxes are stepped on

This was way harder than I anticipated

final thoughtz

The best part about all this is that I’ve realized you can’t utilize the benefits of 7.1 squarespace in blog posts which is the WHOLE reason I upgraded and have had to rebuild. Love and light!
